NQcast42 – References

This month we talk Borderlands 2 (shocker!), Tokyo Jungle, Starhawk, Jet Set Radio HD, The Splatters, Fire Pro Wrestling and plenty more. If you wish to skip the lengthy BL2 talk, check the show notes to see where we stop going on and on about our latest passion. Enjoy!

NQcast42 – References

First half!

  • Borderlands 2 (We kinda like it.)
  • Tokyo Jungle (Jump to 43:53 to hear us talk about this INSANE old-school throwback roguelike animal survival game on PS3. Pomeranians!)

Second Half! (58:09)

  • Fire Pro Wrestling (Chuck unlocks avatar awards and fights Wrestling Bagg in this XBLA title!)
  • Paying for DLC crap (We rant and rave for a bit about the price of NBA player bling as stat-boosting DLC, real-world money auctions in Diablo 3 and Xbox’s Chain Reaction sales.)
  • Starhawk (Harlo dives into the single-player campaign, thanks to PSPlus. Mech mode and Jet mode mean FUCK YES THIS GAME.)
  • Jet Set Radio HD (Maki revisits his Dreamcast past and is reminded of how relentlessly hard video games used to be.)
  • The Splatters (“Like a colorful Incredible Machine.” Chuck likes this puzzle game where you play a sentient puddle of paint!)
  • Avengers Battle For Earth demo (Harlo gives his Kinect a workout with this terrible fighting game demo!)
  • Pinball Arcade DLC (Creature From The Black Lagoon and Black Knight look good and play well. Black Knight is still super-fast!)
  • Zen Pinball 2 (Harlo tries out the 3D support while playing Tesla and other tables not in Pinball FX2!)
  • Mobile Corner!
    • Dead Trigger (First person shooters don’t work on iOS! Especially when they have microtransactions.)
    • Vote! The Game (Infinity Blade with Obama and Mitt! Hey, it’s free. Leave us alone.)
  • Viewer E-mails!
    • Jay asks if we’re getting the Wii U and whether or not still playing Pokemon is dumb. (Spoiler: nope and nope.)
    • Dave asks if we’ve seen Indie Game The Movie. (Spoiler: nope.)
    • Matt tells us an awesome story and asks us what types of survival horror we like. (Spoiler: lots.)


  • Title, Break and Outro music by listener Musim. Check out more music from him at listentomusim.bandcamp.com!