NQcast110 – Literally Amnesia

What’s that game called…?

Still quarantined but we’re back to talk about the world of video games! We say farewell to Mixer but hello to new consoles! Then we get into specific games like Call of Duty Modern Warfare / Warzone, the Resident Evil series, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Anthem, Oxenfree, Kentucky Route Zero, Stranded Deep, Shaolin vs. Wutang and Control.

Then in the second half Maki talks about streaming La-Mulana, then Chuck explains his current gaming psychosis involving achievements and simulating sports games. This leads to talk of games you maybe should or should not go back to, including Burnout Crash, the Far Cry series, Forza Horizon, Saints Row 2 & 3 and Fight Night Champion. Enjoy and WEAR A MASK!